Floorplan Finder

With so many different trailers available, we have added a new tool to help narrow down your RV search - the Floorplan Finder! You will find a series of questions below to answer (even if you do not know some of the answers), that will help to populate a list of current inventory and available units to factory order, that fit your search criteria. After answering the questions, your very own list of potential trailer's will be generated for your viewing pleasure. Happy trailer hunting !

Question 1:

First we need to know if you want the search result to include available to factory order units?

Question 2:

Now we need to determine if you are looking to travel with your trailer, towing it from site to site, or if you are planning to park it at a camp grounds and live or vacation at that same location?

Question 3:

Do you know what body style you are interested in?

Question :

What is the maximum weight your current tow vehicle can handle, or if you plan on purchasing a new tow vehicle, what is the planned maximum weight you are looking to tow?

Question :

What is the maximum trailer length, if any, you require? Perhaps you have parking or winter storage restrictions?

Question :

Are you looking for a New trailer, a Used trailer, or would you consider both? Choose one that is available to you.

Question :

Select one or more floorplan features from the list below. Select only those features that are most important to you because the more features you select, the shorter the list of matching floorplans becomes...